Moskvin Iurii Pavlovich (Ph.D. of Geographical Sciences, Senior Research Fellow, National Institute of Hydrology)
Long-term expeditionary snow cover observation data coupled with results of aerial gamma-ray surveys enabled assessing nonuniformity in distribution of water storage in the snow cover over the Yamal peninsula. Temporal variability of snow cover depth over the study area was revealed with the use of observation data from meteorological network, and maps of variability in snow cover distribution were constructed. Hydrological and heat-water balance studies enabled determination of spring runoff coefficients which were taken into account in mapping spring flood layers of the Yamal peninsula.
Keywords:Regularities of snow cover distribution, runoff coefficients, maps of flood layers
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Citation link: Moskvin I. P. Determination of spring flood layers in rivers of the Yamal peninsula // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2012. -№03. -С. 74-78 |