Koshenskov Peter F. (Technical Director "PROMEKS")
Konoplyannikov Oleg Vladimirovich (Head of diagnostics and examination of technical devices Ltd. "PROMEKS")
Skosyrev Alexei (leading engineer of "PROMEKS")
Smirnov Vyacheslav Stepanovich (Director of firm "Stalproekt")
Vavilov Alexander V. (Director of "Izhitsa-Expert")
Corrosion of pipelines is one of the main causes of accidents in the oil and gas industry. The industry has traditionally dealt with strongly aggressive media, transported in the pipeline, so providing protection against corrosion is one of the key measures to ensure industrial safety. This paper discusses the oil and gas industry pipeline protection against corrosion. The basic organizational issues to protect the pipeline from corrosion were presented. Measures to protect the pipeline from corrosion are important for the maintenance of industrial safety in the oil and gas industry. Effective implementation of modern developments in the field of corrosion protection would greatly reduce the number of accidents and financial loss caused by the influence of corrosion on pipelines.
Keywords:corrosion, pipelines, industrial safety.
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Citation link: Koshenskov P. F., Konoplyannikov O. V., Skosyrev A. , Smirnov V. S., Vavilov A. V. Pipe protection against corrosion in the oil and gas industry // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2015. -№11. -С. 43-44 |