Eshchenko Alexander (Deputy Head of industrial safety expertise LLC PF "EDTON" )
Novikov Sergey (Leading engineer on buildings and facilities department of industrial safety expertise LLC PF "EDTON")
Sharonov Igor Veniaminovich (Leading engineer of industrial safety expertise LLC PF "EDTON")
Root Vladimir (Deputy chief engineer of the company "ITC Deacon")
Nevsky Alexander I. (the expert company "ITC Deacon")
Oil and gas industry is one of those industries that have high volumes of oil and gas, as well as large volumes of transportation and distribution. In the industry the large amounts of hazardous production facilities are operated that require attention of Rostechnadzor to ensure industrial safety. An important role in this plays compliance with the safety requirements of operating organizations. This article deals with the issue of security in the oil and gas industry. The main measures to increase the level of industrial safety in the industry were considered. Developing a more comprehensive requirements for industrial safety in the industry is considered one of the main problems that must be solved in the near future, which has a positive impact on industrial safety.
Keywords:oil and gas industry, examination, industrial safety.
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Citation link: Eshchenko A. , Novikov S. , Sharonov I. V., Root V. , Nevsky A. I. Ensuring the safety in oil and gas industry // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2015. -№11. -С. 23-25 |