Eshchenko Alexander (Deputy Head of industrial safety expertise LLC PF "EDTON" )
Novikov Sergey (Leading engineer on buildings and facilities department of industrial safety expertise LLC PF "EDTON")
Sharonov Igor Veniaminovich (Leading engineer of industrial safety expertise LLC PF "EDTON")
Root Vladimir (Deputy chief engineer of the company "ITC Deacon")
Nevsky Alexander I. (the expert company "ITC Deacon")
The objects of gas distribution and gas consumption networks have a high risk of accidents and incidents. That is why the safety of such facilities should be regulated carefully. In this article, the main aspects of technical diagnostics of pipelines to transport natural gas were considered. In this article, the main aspects of the safety of gas distribution and gas consumption networks were considered. The basic regulatory requirements in this area were analyzed. Development of new safety requirements of such objects is an important task, which will significantly reduce the accidents and increase the level of security of gas distribution and gas consumption networks.
Keywords:networks, gas distribution, industrial safety.
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Citation link: Eshchenko A. , Novikov S. , Sharonov I. V., Root V. , Nevsky A. I. Safety of gas distribution and gas consumption networks // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2015. -№11. -С. 20-22 |