Salmin Aleksey Aleksandrovich (Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
Povolzhskiy state university of telecommunications and informatics,
Samara, Lva Tolstoho str. 23, 443010,
department of information systems and technology,
05.13.10 – Management in social and economic systems,
Gerasimova Varvara Grigorevna (Graduate department of information systems and technologies
Povolzhskiy state university of telecommunications and informatics,
Samara, Lva Tolstoho str. 23, 443010,
05.13.10 – Management in social and economic systems
The review of the system analysis with reference to data of the company which works in services sector is spent. Segmentations as a version of the system analysis are considered. It is noted that the constructive system analysis stems from the fact that it offers a methodology of work, allowing not to lose consideration of relevant factors that determine the construction of effective company management systems under specific conditions.Advantages of carrying out of segmentation for the service company are reflected.
Keywords:system analysis, segmentation, segment analysis, probabilistic approach, data analysis, services.
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Citation link: Salmin A. A., Gerasimova V. G. System analysis of the service company // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2016. -№02. -С. 62-64 |