it is reports the results of the integral therapy of 885 women at the age of 18 – 75 years, suffering from hysterical neurosis. The average age of patients – 43,9±0,76 years. The main methods of treatment was acupuncture. Besides moxa, massage, psychotherapy, musical therapy, colour therapy, psycho-pharmacotherapy, homeopathic therapy and enotherapy have been used. The treatment was in a daytime psychotherapeutic hospital. Duration of treatment lasted 15 everyday séances. Results of treatment: clinical recovery – 93,6 %, considerable improvement – 6,4 %, the absolute restoration of so-cial-labour adaptation – 100,0 %. The economy effectiveness of treatment – 2,5 millions roubles annually on one doctor.
Keywords:hysterical neurosis, treatment, woman, acupuncture, clinical, economy effectiveness.