Dmitriev Igor Vyacheslavovich (Open Youth University (Tomsk))
Pogudina Evgeniya Vadimovna (Open Youth University (Tomsk))
One of the major priorities for the economy of the Russian Federation is the development of scientific and technical creativity for increasing the capability of modern children and youth in the fields of science, research and technology, as well as training engineers who are able to provide the stable development of Russian economy. The purpose of the work is the construction of a conceptual model of management of the system of mass involvement and deduction of children and youth in the process of scientific and technical work and project activity (STW and PA) for the further research and introduction. For effective management of the system of mass involvement and deduction of children and youth in the process of scientific and technical work and project activity it is necessary to realize the integrated model of management combined the elements of vertical and horizontal management that allows to solve a variety of problems in organization of process STW and PA within the development of regional technosphere as well as to configurate a continuous dynamic process of involving children and youth with different levels of activity and attraction scientific and technical work through the use of all the infrastructural institutions which are able to influence positively the development in this sphere make it available for a maximum number of learners (schoolchildren).
Keywords:Scientific and technical work of children and youth, management of complex systems, management of educational systems, vertical and horizontal management, technohub.
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Citation link: Dmitriev I. V., Pogudina E. V. System and analytical approach to the management of the system of mass involvement and deduction of children and youth in the process of scientific and technical work and project activities // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2016. -№07. -С. 56-61 |