Nabiyev Rasim Nasiboglu (Dr. of Eng. Sc., Professor, Institute of Transport and Aviation Space Problems of the National Aviation Academy of Azerbaijan (Baku))
Abdullayev Anar Arifoglu (Cand. of, Institute of Transport and Aviation Space Problems of the National Aviation Academy of Azerbaijan)
This article provides an analysis of the stage of development of the UAV type multicopter, technologies of their development, the requirements for the design and construction, a mathematical model of movement, the scope of their use and the factors affecting the development of this sector in Azerbaijan. The article also pointed out that in recent years, equipped with photo and video camera compact multirotor UAV began to develop and produce more pace.
Designing multicopter fully automated control with the use of high technology has led to the expansion of its use in the performance of power and civil structures.
Keywords:Multicopter, kvadrokoptery, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), rotation, payload, multirotation, tactical and technical specifications.
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Citation link: Nabiyev R. N., Abdullayev A. A. Stage of development, construction and design problems UAV type of multicopter // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2017. -№03-04. -С. 16-21 |