Muraya Elena Nikolaevna (candidate of engineering sciences, assistant professor, Far Eastern State Transport University)
The fragile destruction of technical and natural objects is not uncommon at present. The consequences of the accidents that occur can be accompanied by significant financial, material and environmental losses. Therefore, the problem of preventing sudden destruction of technical objects and structures is very relevant. The purpose of the work: to obtain analytical solutions to the problem of calculating the coordinates of acoustic emission sources and their analysis and development of algorithms for computer programs for identifying foci of microfractures of solids; Their visualization and evalua-tion of parameters. The article also considers the theory of acoustic emission defects. The above problems were solved with the help of theoretical and experimental methods of solid-state acoustics, mathematical and computer modeling. It is shown that the linearization of the system of measurement equations makes it possible in many cases to find an analytical solution of the location problem. The presence of an analytical solution allows us to calculate the location errors associated with inaccuracies in the measurement of time delays and the positioning of the PP.
Keywords:acoustic properties, acoustic emission, impulse, non-destructive testing, mathematical modeling, computer modeling, piezoelectric converters.
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Citation link: Muraya E. N. Calculation of the coordinate of pulsed sources acoustic emissions // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2017. -№07-08. -С. 8-12 |