Kononov Yury Michaylovich (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Director
Information and Consulting Center "Master Class Consult"
The article presents a step-by-step methodology for solving problems that arise before analysts and managers in the management of a project team. The methodology is aimed at obtaining a result in the performance of pro-duction indicators. An example of preparation of products in the form of project documentation is considered in the context of short deadlines, lim-ited resources of both time and human resources.
The express method of setting "effective questions" for solving urgent prob-lems is considered, based on the approaches of system analysis and similar methods.
Keywords:decision making, rapid analysis algorithm, information flow, decomposition, communication, project team, indicator, information overload, automated information processing and management system, expert evaluation, information integrity, system analysis.
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Citation link: Kononov Y. M. System approach to effective project team // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2017. -№07-08. -С. 46-50 |