Gudikov А. (Competitor, Military Communication Academy, St. Petersburg)
The article describes a mathematical model of the power system, conform-ing to the requirements of stability of functioning of stationary special node when in conditions of destabilizing impacts. Described verbally and mathematically formalized the basic elements of the model of an Autono-mous system of power supply for the stationary communication node. Formulated the problem of structural and parametric synthesis of Auton-omous power supply systems and identified the main directions for de-signing such systems.
Keywords:mathematical model, power supply system, a stationary center of special signal, destabilizing effects, stability
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Citation link: Gudikov А. Модель системы электроснабжения стационарного узла специальной связи, функционирующей в условиях дестабилизирующих воздействий // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2017. -№11. -С. 40-43 |