Mal'chevskij Jurij Evgen'evich (candidate of medical Sciences, senior researcher, Institute of medical problems of the North, FITS KSC SB RAS)
Ragimov Aligejdar Alekperovich (doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, IAT First MSMU n. a. I. M. Sechenov)
Kasparov Eduard Vil'jamovich (doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, Director of Institute of medical problems of the North, FITS KSC SB RAS)
It was performed the analysis of literature data on the potential use of plasmapheresis in treatment of coronary heart disease. It is shown that the basis of clinical manifestations in these patients is change in the rheological properties of blood - blood viscosity due primarily aggregation of red blood cells and platelets, and plasma viscosity. There are reports about the hemorheological disorders may be harbingers of development and cause myocardial infarction, due to coronary artery disease in need of treatment aimed at correcting the rheological changes. Currently accumulated experience with plasmapheresis in clinical practice, it demonstrated the prospects of this method application as a pathogenesis based treatment of cardiovascular diseases. It is concluded that the need for further in-depth studies of mechanisms influence of this treatment on the rheological properties of blood, evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of plasmapheresis in the complex treatment of coronary heart disease.
Keywords:coronary heart disease, blood viscosity, blood rheology, erythrocyte aggregation, plasmapheresis
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Citation link: Mal'chevskij J. E., Ragimov A. A., Kasparov E. V. Modern concepts of plasmapheresis treat coronary artery disease of possibilities // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2018. -№03. -С. 102-106 |