Kobzar-Frolova Margarita Nikolaevna (The doctor of jurisprudence, the senior lecturer, the professor of chair of the Administrative and customs right of Russian customs academy)
The author the problem about the qualitative maintenance and essence of a subject of the customs right rises, definition of a subject of the customs right, grouping of relations entering into a subject of the customs right is offered, the parity of a subject of the customs right with a subject administrative, financial, international law is spent.
Keywords:The right, norms, branch, a subject, a method, public relations, the customs right.
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Citation link: Kobzar-Frolova M. N. To a question on a subject of the customs right // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2012. -№01. -С. 75-77 |