Ljahov Alexey (AMEE HPE «Samara Academy of State and Municipal Management»)
In given article conceptual approaches of directions of influence of local governments with a view of development of a control system by available housing is offered. Influence on the subject managements (management companies), object of management (proprietors of habitation), and direct influence is allocated. Purposeful influence on the subject and object of management, simultaneously with decrease in degree of direct influence on system of reposition by available housing, will promote transition to qualitatively other stages of development characterized by growth of economic independence of system.
Keywords:Control system of available housing, economic independence, development, available housing.
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Citation link: Ljahov A. Conceptual approaches to long-term development of a control system by municipal available housing // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2012. -№01. -С. 30-35 |