Bakharev Vladimir Vasilievich (Cand. Sc. (Economics), Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Trade and Examination of Consumer Goods, Peter the Great St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University )
The article describes the organization of retail trade in the new format street retail. The advantages and disadvantages of this segment. The main directions of development of the Petersburg market of street retail. It is demonstrated that multi-format shopping service, provides shopping company, operating in the format of street retail, competitive advantage.
Keywords:Retail, street retail, the concept of placing trade-related infrastructure, trade corridor, trade street.
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Citation link: Bakharev V. V. Street retail development as a trend of the retail market // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2016. -№04. -С. 3-8 |