Molchakov Alexey (exit foreclosure specialist
Ltd. Phoenix
This article investigates the functions of the family-legal regulation of matrimonial relations in family law. The article aims to Ana-Liz the functions of family law and their realisation in modern Russia-society. The author discussed the application of the rules of social law in family relations, the study of the principles and features of marriage contracts in domestic and foreign practice.
Keywords:family law, family relationships, marriage, marriage contract, family, surrogacy, marriage, monogamna marriages
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Citation link: Molchakov A. Some features of family-legal regulation of marital relations in modern family Russian law and western countries // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2016. -№10. -С. 92-95 |