Kozhevnikova Anna Anatolievna (Ural Branch of Russian State University of Justice)
The article examines the versatile process of proof in the arbitration process, as the main way of permission of economic disputes. On the basis of analysis of scientific views the author came to the conclusion that the opinions of scientists about the composition of participants of such relations varies. The author gives procedure regulated by the court's objectives and stages of this process, proving the status of subjects of this activity. Noting that in the arbitration process the parties have broad powers to proof, the author believes that the control over the legality of their use needs to be strengthened.
Keywords:Arbitration process, proving that the subjects of the process of proof, the court's objectives, stages of legal evidence.
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Citation link: Kozhevnikova A. A. Proof as a way of establishing the facts of the case in the arbitration process, its constituent entities and the entity // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2016. -№12. -С. 80-82 |