Tyuleneva Ekaterina Sergeevna (Postgraduate Student, State University of Management )
This article examines into the problem related to misuse of the marriage law as well as to consequences of such illegitimate acts. The relevance of this issue is caused by shortcomings of the Russian Family Legislation that allows to circumvent the law in order to gain personal dividends. The matter of this inquiry is legal relations of potential and actual spouses. The analysis carried out in this article leads to the conclusion that there is a need for further enhancement of the Russian family legislation as well as for aggravating of the penalty related to a deliberate abusing of this law.
Keywords:the abuse of the law, the marriage, registration of marriage, the fake marriage, the annulment of marriage.
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Citation link: Tyuleneva E. S. The abuse of the law to the conclusion of marriage // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2017. -№10. -С. 88-93 |