Chufarovа Ekaterina (Advisor to judges of the Charter Court of the Sverdlovsk region,
Postgraduate student of the Ural humanitarian University (law), Yekaterinburg)
The article provides an analysis of the existing concepts of interaction of the language and the law in juridical linguistics and jurisprudence. The law is presented as a specific form of the language existence. The language serves both as the outer shell and the fundamental essence of the law, and therefore, in order to understand the processes that take place within the law, its behavior, it is necessary to understand the behavior and the processes that occur in the language. Here, we explore the possibility of semiotic approach to analyzing the language of law from the syntactics perspective (i.e. the rules of arrangement of legal texts), semantics (semantic analysis necessary to achieve the maximum accuracy of transfer of thought in verbal form) and pragmatics (use and understanding of linguistic signs, their functioning in speech).
Keywords:legal linguistics, legal language, semiotics, sign systems
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Citation link: Chufarovа E. Law as a phenomenon of language // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2018. -№03. -С. 188-191 |