Maksachuk Ekaterina (Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports)
Socialization process long and complex, and largely depends on the environment that contains the people. Sporting activities helps form the personality useful to society. Unfortunately, some people do not achieve goals in life because underestimate their own capabilities, or conversely, overestimate them. Therefore it is important to form an adequate self-esteem. This article discusses the concept of self-assessment and its role in achieving athletic performance.
Keywords:young athlete, self-esteem, the structure of self-esteem, goal setting.
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Citation link: Maksachuk E. The value of self-assessment in the training process in a sports school // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2013. -№03-04. -С. 56-57 |