Goncharova Olesya Leonid (candidate of pedagogical sciences, GBOU SPO the Polytechnic college № 31 Moscow
In the article the question is about work of class leader with the teenagers of «risk group», description is given to the teenagers of «risk group», the features of teenagers of «risk group», methods and receptions of affecting, are examined teenagers «risk groups», in-use a class leader in educate-correction, prophylactic work, about co-operating of class leader with the parents of teenagers of risk «group».
Keywords:teenagers of «risk group», abludent (deviantnoe conduct), delikventnoe conduct, asocial conduct, autodestruktivnoe conduct, educate-correction work, prophylactic work, methods and receptions of influence.
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Citation link: Goncharova O. L. Work of class leader with the teenagers of "Group of risk" // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2011. -№04. -С. 23-25 |