Shelyakhina Natalia Vladimirovna (Ph.D. of sociological Science, Associate Professor, Saratov State Technical University)
The article deals with the issues of interaction between minority languages and the interaction of minority languages and the national language. Currently the problems of self-identification, growth of national identity of ethnic minorities on the territory of Russian Federation are escalated. The language policy on the territory of autonomous republics and states of the CIS is examined in this context. Dependence of interethnic conflicts’ growth on the linguistic policy in the region is emphasized.
Keywords:cultural interpenetration, language interaction, ethnic identity, language policy, national language.
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Citation link: Shelyakhina N. V. Languages' interaction on the postsovjet territories in the context of the modern social transformations // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2012. -№01. -С. 89-90 |