Denisova Olga Aleksandrovna (Educator of "Nest" Kindergarten № 2544 "Primrose", Moscow)
Runova Tatiana Ivanovna (Educator of "Nest" Kindergarten № 2544 "Primrose", Moscow)
In the confusion, monotony of everyday life we do not notice the bright and amazingly beautiful spots that surround us. And yet, every thing has its own unique color, shade and mood. Children may want to take all the colors of life. And our goal - to help kids learn to see and feel the world around us, full of splendor and delight. In our kindergarten, "Primrose", we have developed and introduced into the practice of entertaining and informative activities for children and called it "Colorful Days" series, "The world of entertainment and knowledge".
Keywords:color, kids, paint the outside world, entertaining and informative activities.
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Citation link: Denisova O. A., Runova T. I. The world of entertainment and knowledge // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2012. -№03. -С. 34-38 |