Popov G. G. (Moscow Academy of Economics and Law,
Russian state university for the humanities
This article is a review-essays on the work of S. Nefedov «The History Of Russia. Factor analysis. Vol. 1. From Ancient times to the Great Trouble”. The review contains criticism of S.A.. Nefedov work, at the same time, it highlights the controversial subjects of Russian history in Ancient times and Middle ages. In particular, considers the problems of historical development of Kievan Rus ' and Russia in Mongol period. The author of the review casts doubt on the validity of Neo-Malthusianism concept of Russian history.
Keywords:Neo-Malthusianism, researchs of S. Nefedov, historical process, history of Russia in the middle ages.
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Citation link: Popov G. G. Beautiful concept and the hard facts // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2012. -№09-10. -С. 20-29 |