Pivovarov N. (Institute of History SB RAS—Structure (Novosibirsk))
This article is devoted to the problems of organization and enterprise of the siberian unions of consumer cooperative. The organizer of cooperative unions were local cooperatives net (consumer cooperatives, butter-making artels, credit partnerships), social organizations and state institutions. The author draw a conclusion about, what proliferation of number cooperative unions were accompanied with increasing intermediary structures. This fact led to the fall of the real economic power of cooperative unions.
Keywords:peasantry, cooperation, consumer cooperative, cooperative union, the Great World War, Siberia.
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Citation link: Pivovarov N. Features of formation the Siberian unions of consumer cooperative (1913-1919) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2013. -№05-06. -С. 11-17 |