Krapivkina Olga Aleksandrovna (Irkutsk State Technical University)
In the article, the author attempts to build a taxonomy of legislative and executive discourse based on a genre criterion. The author argues that genres and discourses are interdependent categories. It allows the author to argue that the text of this or that genre is realized in discourse. The article examines genres of written discourse. The most prototypical genres are analyzed. The author concludes that the boundaries of legal discourse are rather fuzzy, its genres balance between two poles - institutional and personal.
Keywords:genre, discourse, law, expert community, subject.
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Citation link: Krapivkina O. A. On the genres of legislative and executive discourse // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2013. -№09-10. -С. 62-64 |