Kovaleova Marina (FBGOU VPO «The State university - an educational, scientific and industrial complex» (Оrel))
The article tells about one of representatives of a dynasty of Milan artists of Renaissance brothers de Predis, who worked at the court yard of the dukes of Sforza. Ambrogio de Predis is considered one of the major employees of Leonardo da Vinci during his stay in Milan. In clause the problem of attribution of paintings de Predis and their internal content is considered.
Keywords:History of Italy, the Italian Renaissance, leonardeschi, Ambrogio de Predis.
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Citation link: Kovaleova M. Ambrogio de Predis // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2014. -№01-02. -С. 7-16 |