Lagutina Yuliya Aleksandrovna (Chechen Republic, Khankala)
The rapid entry of Russia into the world community, the integration processes in various spheres of politics, economy, culture, ideology, mixing and movement of peoples and languages raise the problem of intercultural communication, comprehending the participants of communication, belonging to different cultures. Of course, all these facts are reflected in the methods of teaching English. They detect new problems in the theory and practice of teaching English.
Keywords:problematic situation, lesson, English, motivation.
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Citation link: Lagutina Y. A. The relevance of the problem-based learning at the English lessons within the framework of FSES // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2014. -№09-10. -С. 38-40 |