Borovitskiy A. M. (Novosibirsk military Institute of internal troops of the name I. K., Yakovlev, the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, Novosibirsk)
This article contains information about the identification and definition of motivationally-value component of the communicative culture of the cadets of the military Institute of internal troops of the MIA of Russia. And a description of the results conducted by the author of techniques to identify the state of motivationally-value component of the communicative culture of the cadets of the military Institute of internal troops of the MIA of Russia.
Keywords:motivational-value component, cadets, military Institute, communicative culture, diagnostics.
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Citation link: Borovitskiy A. M. Motivational-value component of the communicative culture of the cadets of the military Institute of internal troops of the MIA of Russia // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2015. -№01-02. -С. 45-47 |