Wang Jianli (Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow))
The question of understanding of nobility that may either differ or coincide in different nations and different historical epochs is discussed in the article. The attention is also drawn to content of the concept “noble man”. Special attention is brought to L.S. Perelomov’s translation – one of the most prominent translators of “Lun yu” who explains the contents of the concept “noble man” and explains his qualities necessary to follow to by any noble person. This is given in the form of dialogue between Teacher (Confucius) and his pupils in ancient China. The investigation is of special importance because despite of the fact that every nation in different epochs has different understanding of nobility but on the whole in ancient times and nowadays a noble man’s behaviour is always necessary. From the point of view of communicative grammar a noble man is considered as dictum’s subject of “Lun yu” having its characteristic features. The purpose of this article is to transfer the specifics of the Confucian worldview and qualities of the main subject – the noble man from "The Analects" in order to simplify the understanding of "The Analects" by modern Russian reader and include it into his conceptual system.
Keywords:subject – the noble man, understanding of nobility, translation of the tractate «Lun yu»
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Citation link: Wang J. "Noble man" in Russian translations of the tractate "Lun yu": content of the concept from the point of view of modern Russian reader // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2015. -№11-12. -С. 152-155 |