Abdrakhimov Leonid Gimaditdinovich (Instructor of the Department of Far Eastern languages
Military University of the Ministry of Defence
The article deals with the issue of studying by modern Chinese linguists speech errors encountered by foreign students in the study of the Chinese language. Consideration of this phenomenon has a long history of scientific research abroad and in Russia. One of the traditions is the Chinese language tradition. The main problems of Chinese linguistics have always been questions about the vocabulary of the language, grammar, learning the Chinese language by foreign students and others. Among the problems, now widely reported in Chinese linguistics paradigm is the issue of occurrence of speech errors foreigners studying Chinese language in the country of residence and in China. These studies are interesting in that they allow for a fresh look at itself in Chinese from the perspective of foreign language picture. Consideration of the speech errors in Chinese linguistics carried out in line with the contrastive analysis of systems of foreign and Chinese language. The comparison is made on the phonetic, lexical, grammatical levels of language. The main difficulty of learning Chinese is distinguished complex hieroglyphic writing code, the large number of homonyms and grammatical structure of the insulating type.
Keywords:speech errors, the phenomenon of speech errors, interference, interference of language systems, the effect of interference, speech errors interference nature, bilingualism, typical speech errors, Chinese language, learning Chinese language.
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Citation link: Abdrakhimov L. G. The question about the phenomenon of speech errors in the study of сhinese linguists // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2015. -№11-12. -С. 143-147 |