Lazutina A. (Moscow City Teacher Training University)
The article deals with the reasons of French conquest of Algeria and development of taking decisions by the French ruling circles on the scale of colonization. Long period of oscillation (since 1830 till 1841) conjugated with military actions, land confiscations, liberation movement in north African colony, debates between political elite in metropolis was finally marked by July monarchy by taking decision of total conquest of the country by Louis Philippe. Based on works of contemporary French scientists the author answers the questions raised by this work. These questions help understand the current processes going on between the two countries.
Keywords:history of Algeria, French Algeria, colonization, french-algerian relations, assimilation policy, T.R. Bugeaud, Abd al-Kadir
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Citation link: Lazutina A. On the issue of the French conquest of Algeria // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2016. -№05. -С. 27-31 |