Gorlov Mikhail Ivanovich (Moscow State Regional University)
Mezentseva Yulia Ivanovna (Moscow State Regional University)
Afanasyeva Olga Vladimirovna (Moscow State Regional University)
For the purpose of definition of-level indicators of esthetic good breeding of school students we have developed a technique of quantitative definition of her criteria (social, psychological and esthetic).
B. T. Likhachev has formulated three groups of criteria of esthetic good breeding of teenagers (pupils): psychological, pedagogical and social. According to B. T. Likhachev, the Pedagogical criterion is closely connected with development of creative imagination as it is shown in ability "… to create own, new, original image", and also in in skills of creative activity: "… The perfected mastery connected to improvisation, creation of a new image" [3] is characteristic of the high level of esthetic good breeding in creativity.
In relation to the purposes and problems of our research it is possible to claim that research of pedagogical criterion of esthetic good breeding of school students entirely belongs to technological type as it is directed to research of similarity and distinction in selections on certain signs.
Keywords:esthetic good breeding, criteria of esthetic good breeding of school students; esthetic education; methods of esthetic education; criteria and levels of esthetic good breeding; age features of esthetic education.
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Citation link: Gorlov M. I., Mezentseva Y. I., Afanasyeva O. V. Methodical receptions of research of pedagogical criterion of aesthetic good breeding of schoolboys // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2016. -№05. -С. 68-72 |