Pashutina Tatiana Alexandrovna (PhD in Philology, Honorary Worker of General Education of Russian Federation, the Head Teacher of Moscow State Budget Institution for Comprehensive Education "Multidisciplinary Educational Complex "Kuzminki")
Over the past 15 years, cossack cadet education has overcome its way of development. Today, it is one of the most effective systems of state educating and bringing up children. Strict discipline, activities of daily self-management, methods of spiritual, moral, patriotic, and labor development of young generation, as well as a reasonable combination of individual and group approaches are the main features of effective upbringing of modern civil and military servants.
Keywords:cadets, education, patriotism, traditions, discipline.
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Citation link: Pashutina T. A. Cadet education as a basis for formation of citizens and patriots // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2016. -№05. -С. 106-108 |