Kruchinin Sergey (Associate Professor, PhD, The November Oil and Gas Institute (branch) of the TIU in Noyabrsk)
Prokopenko Vitaliy Vladimirovich (the teacher, the November Oil and Gas Institute (branch) of the TIU in Noyabrsk)
In the present situation of total technological globalization, the main national wealth is measured not so much by the natural resource potential of mineral resources and mining, as human capital, its intellectual and scientific potential, which is able to create a completely new production and management systems.
Modern socio-political and socio-economic transformation of the Russian Federation to put universities qualitatively new requirements for the organization of educational process, scientific research and educational work, which proceed from the principle of approximation of education to the urgent problems of production and the interests of the modern Russian state as a whole.
Keywords:patriotism, citizenship, life safety, school, education.
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Citation link: Kruchinin S. , Prokopenko V. V. Education of patriotism as the human foundations of citizenship in the health and safety classes at the university // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2016. -№06. -С. 95-97 |