Bartkov B. I. (Associate Professor
Far-Eastern Branch
Russian Academy of Sciences
Vladivostok, Russia
Structures of mo-, bi-, tri-, tetra- & pentanomial nests of conversifixal derivatives from verb-adverb combinations have been described. Nest structures were found to be represented by models of various capacity. Velocities of nest formation were calculated with the help of a novel formula devised by the author. From dia-chronic point of view, nests seem to begin forming out of VingN and Ver types of derivatives, types Vo, Ven & VingA being formed later and reaching maximal capacity: VoVingNVenVingAVer. Coefficient of nesting was found to be equal to 0,32 (Knest=0,32).
Keywords:conversifix, derivational nest, nest capacity, rate of nest growth, coefficient of nesting, diachrony, synchrony.
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Citation link: Bartkov B. I. Nest Organization of Conversifixal Derivatives // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2016. -№06. -С. 129-137 |