Raskina E. Y. (PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher of International Institute for Humanities and Linguistics)
Sushko E. L. (Senior Teacher of Institute for Humanities and Linguistics)
The theme of Egypt – a country of mystery and wisdom – is a leitmotif of the whole creative work of Oscar Wilde (from poem “Sphinx" to fairy tales). In this article we’ll consider the refraction of the image of Egypt in the fairy tale of Wilde “The Happy Prince”, that along with other works of this writer, had a great impact on creative work of Silver Age poets (and particularly on creative work of N.S. Gumilev.) First and foremost, we are interested in realization of Egyptian theme in the fairy tale of Wilde “The Happy Prince” and in poems of N.S. Gumilev on Egyptian theme (“Ezbekiye”, “Egypt” and Gumilev’s translation of the poem of Oscar Wilde “Sphinx”).
Keywords:image-symbol of Egypt, sphinx, theme of pilgrimage, sacred centers of Earth).
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Citation link: Raskina E. Y., Sushko E. L. Egypt - is a country of mystery and wisdom in the creative work of O.Wilde and N.S. Gumilev // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2016. -№06. -С. 154-156 |