Lyashenko N. V. (FGBOU VO "The Volgograd state social and pedagogical university")
Aranovskaya I. V. (FGBOU VO "The Volgograd state social and pedagogical university")
Polyart competence of future specialists of the sphere of theatrical and spectacular art is considered as integrative professional quality of the personality, in unity of her theoretical and practical readiness for implementation of professional and creative director's activities on the basis of synthesis of arts. The role of polyart competence of structure of professional competence of future specialists in the sphere of theatrical and spectacular art is shown. The importance of implementation of polyart approach as methodological base for forming in the conditions of high school training of polyart competence of future specialists in the sphere of theatrical and spectacular art is proved.
Keywords:competence, competence, professional competence, competence-based approach, professional activity, polyart approach, synthesis of arts, polyart competence.
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Citation link: Lyashenko N. V., Aranovskaya I. V. Intrinsic characteristics of poliart competence of future specialists in the sphere of theatrical and spectacular art // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2016. -№09. -С. 65-71 |