Zeng Ting (doctor of science, senior lecturer,
Fudan University, China
The article analyzes the comparative constructions used in novel Z. Prilepin "Abode". The analysis showed that comparisons are introduced by the author in the text in the most stressful moments of the plot, most often to describe the various emotions of the protagonist Artyom Goryainov – the prisoner of the Solovki camps twenties XX century. Comparisons of different structure convey the strong feelings and complex emotional and physical states of the hero – the feeling of hunger, including sexual, feelings related to physical overload from overwork, feelings of hopelessness, depression and etc. Choosing the images of comparisons, the author shows the artistic skill and appeals to different organs of perception of the reader – sight, hearing, smell, touch.
Keywords:comparative constructions, Zakhar Prilepin, novel "Abode", emotions.
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Citation link: Zeng T. Comparative constructions as a means of transmitting of emotions character in the novel Zakhar Prilepin "Abode" // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2016. -№09. -С. 93-95 |