Gusev Georgy (lecturer, Moscow state Academy of choreography)
Training in partnership and air force support is a mandatory element of professional training of future ballet dancers. The article discusses the evolution of the origin of this item duet dance in the practice of training of students of choreographic offices. Analysis of the current approaches of teaching showed that, despite the rich experience gained in teaching methods, duet dance, there is no explicit definition of "affiliate support", there are unrealized possibilities of the use of variable approach in the training of future ballet dancers partner and air force support.
Keywords:duet dance, teaching affiliate and air force support, training ballet dancers
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Citation link: Gusev G. Modern approaches of training and partner air force the support: problems and prospects solutions // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2016. -№10. -С. 24-28 |