Aksenova Sofia Stanislavovna (Musical College Gnesin FSEI HE "Russian Academy of Music.Gnessin")
In article features of student teaching of process of voice training are investigated, need of mastering new means of musical composition XX – the XXI centuries is proved, the problem of education of ear for music is answered, signs of spontaneously developing musical environment are allocated, her influence on personal characteristics of modern youth is considered. The role of the technologies connected with computer modeling of timbre features of tools and voices is opened, psychological mechanisms, features and pedagogical conditions of formation and development of vocal skills are revealed, tasks of student teaching at the solution of a pedagogical problem of development of modern music are structured.
Keywords:spatial structure of the musical environment, development of vocal skills, vocal hearing, plastic adaptability of process of a phonation, sound environment.
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Citation link: Aksenova S. S. The accounting of features of the intoning of modern classical music in the course of formation of vocal hearing the sound environment // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2016. -№11. -С. 50-55 |