Ostrovkin D. L. (Ural State Pedagogical University (Ekaterinburg))
The article, based on data from regional archives, and analyzes the organizational components of Soviet medicine in the formation of a new healthcare system in the Urals. It was necessary to create a new regulatory framework of health based on the principles of free, vesselovski and availability for the needs of the entire population. Established hospitals, redeployed a network of medical stations and medical assistant's points in the counties that were devastated in the fighting of the Civil war. System-atic work on the development of the medical network started only in 1923. It resulted in qualitative and quantitative growth of medicine in the Urals, which laid the Foundation for the further successful development of the new system of health care.
Keywords:Soviet healthcare, medicine, the Ekaterinburg province, Ural region
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Citation link: Ostrovkin D. L. State system of the Soviet health in the Urals in 1918 - 1929 gg .: the organizational aspect // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№01. -С. 16-20 |