Grib Elena Vitalevna (PhD, associate professor at the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University))
The article considers the problem of the relationship of three types of intelligence: social, emotional and logical. Correlation analysis revealed a complex relationship between the three types of intelligence. Social intelligence is positively correlated with the emotional with the greatest burden in terms of "empathy" and has a negative relation with the mathematical intelligence. Revealed a link between the level of development of social intelligence and the chosen profession. The results are consistent with the findings of other authors, both domestic and foreign.
Keywords:emotional intelligence, ability, emotional intelligence, assertiveness, training.
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Citation link: Grib E. V. The development of emotional intelligence in the modern educational process // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№02. -С. 24-26 |