Zhukov Yuriy Petrovich (applicant, Tyumen State Institute of Culture )
Shishkin Igor Gennadievich (Doctor of Historical Sciences,
Tyumen State Institute of Culture
in the article the author notes that the question of priorities of Boris Godunov in foreign policy remains poorly understood, up to 1589 they are based on the personal interests of the king's favorite: strengthening its credibility within the country and abroad, reprisals against political opponents. However, to strengthen the position of Boris the nature of the priorities changed - his actions are not the expression of political will and a stream of interests of the Moscow state in the form in which they are presented to him.
Keywords:Boris Godunov, the history of Russia, the interest of the state, development policy, instruments of power.
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Citation link: Zhukov Y. P., Shishkin I. G. To the question of B.F. Godunov`s role in formation of priorities in foreign policy of the Russian state in the 80th of the 16th century // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№03. -С. 17-22 |