Chernikov Nikolay M. (PhD (philology), assistant professor
FGAOU North-Caucasus Federal
The article is devoted to the study of word semantics, which is due to both its important role in the language system as a whole and a variety of intra- and extra-linguistic characteristics of the word as such. In particular, the article addresses the issues of lexical semantics, and an attempt is made to reveal the nature of certain semantic, namely, the converse relationship between the elements of omnitive-partitive complex represented by verb-partitives.
On a particular example the possibility of the existence of dual nature converse relationship between the structural elements of some verbs having partitive semantics is shown in the article.
As assumed, the results of this work will complement and expand the existing theories on the semantic relations between lexical units of the language.
Keywords:word semantics, verbs of partitive semantics, omnitive-partitive complex, converseness, converse relationships, the dual nature of converse relations.
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Citation link: Chernikov N. M. On the duality of converseness in the structure of omnitive-partitive complex in modern English // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№03. -С. 117-119 |