Mamaev Ilya Andreevich (Moscow State Institute of International Relations)
The article dissects the Russian empire’s national policy towards its territories in the context of the Kingdom of Poland from the perspective of the notion of empire and the historic uneven development concept. The analysis shows that the Russian empire incorporated many peoples and nations which were on different stages of their historic development and played a civilizing role. With the use of its imperial paradigm the Russian empire stimulated historic evolvement of less-developed nations and peoples and by doing so it was trying to create a homogeneous space. However, when dealing with highly-developed nations, for example with the Poles, Russia had to conduct tough russification policy within the Polish territories and to integrate them into its imperial organism to realize its own historic mission.
Keywords:empire, national policy of the Russian Empire, the Kingdom of Poland
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Citation link: Mamaev I. A. The Russian empire and its national policy: realization of the imperial project on territories harmonization on the example of the Kingdom of Poland // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№05. -С. 27-31 |