Polovinkina Marina L. (candidate of historical Sciences, associate Professor,
Lipetsk state technical University
The article raised issues and the role of the bureaucracy, the administrative apparatus and public service in the history of Russia (inextricably associated with its formation and development); the main periods of Russian statehood, the facts of history, the personality of the famous reformers of the Russian statehood.
Keywords:the formation and development of Russian state, history of public service, historical highlights, government, bureaucracy, reform, historical figures, reformers, evolutionary stages, the role of bureaucracy in public administration, bureaucracy.
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Citation link: Polovinkina M. L. History of the bureaucracy: role, facts, realities // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№05. -С. 36-38 |