Kuzmichevа M. V. (Ph. D. in History of Arts, Professor, Russian state pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen, Saint-Petersburg)
in article history of formation and development of design is considered, ways of modernization of a profession from the artist-engineer to the graphic designer are traced (in modern understanding) that will allow to create complete idea of a kind of activity of this specialization. Having analysed the general pedagogical principles and approaches of training of students in design, at the largest school Bauhaus in Germany, will help to reveal the most productive methods of teaching. Which, are still used by many art higher education institutions of the world and don't lose the relevance to this day. Creation of the first German higher school of art and industrial education have considerably influenced further development of architecture, town planning and industrial design, not only in Germany, but also it is far beyond her limits.
Keywords:History develops the design, the school design, the design - education, Bauhaus, an architect.
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Citation link: Kuzmichevа M. V. History of development of design. Formation of one of the largest school of design – Bauhaus // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№06. -С. 92-95 |