This article analyzes the confrontation between the faithful of the city of Moscow Renovationist schism, which happened in the 1920-ies with the support of the Soviet government.
According to the author, the Bolsheviks planned to make the ranks of the faithful dissension and divide the Church from within. In article it is shown that for this purpose, the Bolsheviks created a separate religious group, loyal to the Soviet government and undermining the basic principles of Orthodoxy. The group went down in history as a Living Church, or Renovationist schism. The article deals with the mechanisms of popular resistance that structure. The author explores the depth of participation of the faithful in this resistance. The article examines mechanisms regulating this people's struggle: resolution of the Council of 1917-1918, appeals of Patriarch Tikhon. The paper assesses the effectiveness of popular resistance in the territory of separately taken region. The author proves that Moscow becomes the center of events. Based on the analysis of documents, the author comes to the conclusion that the struggle with Renovationism made a truly national character. The article shows that most clearly showed itself in this struggle, the parish councils of the city of Moscow. The system of Church Councils created by the local Council of 1917-1918, was the firm shield, which broke the aggressive plans of the Bolsheviks.
Keywords:Patriarch Tikhon, the Orthodox Renovationism, the Living Church, the Parish Councils, the Bolsheviks, the persecution of the Church, Communism, Repression