Kulagin Andrey ( an independent researcher)
The article focuses on the role of the 3rd and 12th mechanized corps of the northwestern front and the fighting during the Border battles 22 June – 9 Jule 1941 in the Baltic States. In the article the analysis of causes of failures of tank and motorized divisions North – Western front during the fighting. Defines the role of 3rd and 12th mechanized corps by the end of hostilities.
Keywords:12th mechanized corps, 8th Army, 4th Panzer group, 3rd Panzer group, 41st motorized corps, the 56th motorized corps, the 39th motorized corps.
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Citation link: Kulagin A. The role of the 3rd and 12rd mechanized corps in the Border battle in 1941 // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№07. -С. 22-28 |